In this paper, based on the theory of W-N gearing, FEM and fuzzy optimization, a viewpoint of fuzzy optimization combination in design of tooth profile parameters is put forward according to the operational condition and dynamic character of the gears. 笔者从圆弧齿轮的啮合理论出发,利用有限元分析和模糊优化的理论,提出结合实际使用要求,根据齿轮副的动态特性要求,进行双圆弧齿轮参数模糊优化组合的观点。
The system of civil withdrawing charges has been exposed of many problems because legal stipulations are negligent 、 simple and lack of operational character. 我国现行民事撤诉制度,因法律规定过于疏简,缺乏可操作性,在审判实践中暴露出了很多问题。
The detective model is the form of detective structure and its operational procedure, which is refined and drawn from the systematic detective character and the procedural feature of the detective operation. 侦查模式是侦查结构和侦查运行程序的表现形式,是对侦查系统特征和侦查运行程序特点的提炼和抽象。
The operational intention pledge of collaborative CAD system is a complicated and crucial issue, its study possesses a challenging character. 协同CAD系统中的操作意愿保证是一个复杂而又关键的问题,其研究具有挑战性。
Part one: summarizing the establishment background, operational character and operation production mainly. 第一部分:阐述我国AMC组建背景、运行特征和运营成果。
Study on Steady-State Operational Character and Mathematical Model of Unified Power Flow Controllor and Experimentations 统一潮流控制器稳态运行特性与数学模型的研究及其实验
The research work on the main body of Chinese characters should center around Chinese character components, and study their overall combination regulation based on individual examinations, then establish some basic theory and operational methods of the analysis of Chinese character structure. 汉字本体的研究必须以汉字字形为核心,在个体考证的基础上研究其总体构成规律,逐渐建立了分析汉字构形的基础理论和可操作方法,称为汉字构形学。
This paper introduced the composition, operational principle and character of ultrasonic flow instrument and explains that this is an effective flow test instrument for open canal. 介绍了超声波流量仪的构成及工作原理与特点,说明该设备是一种有效的明渠流量测试设备。
Bentonite could be used as adsorbent in the process with some advantages, such as excellent treatment effect, lower operational cost and good dehydration character. 吸附剂采用廉价的膨润土,不仅处理效果好,而且运行费用低、易脱水。
Based on this, the paper explores to apply real options pricing method to make the objective and just and sound assessment of operational leasing assets at full thought of its decision flexibility about re-renting or not and included character of real options. 基于此,本文探索运用实物期权定价方法,充分考虑经营性租赁资产关于续租与否的决策灵活性和其本身包含的实物期权特性,对其价值做出客观公允的评估。
Begin by analysing the operational environment and technique character of submarine, this paper expounds the function demands and command decision aid mode, and technique difficulty of development. 以此为目的、以潜艇信息化装备建设为目标,从分析潜艇作战的客观环境和技术特点着手,阐述了潜艇作战软件的功能需求、辅助指挥决策模式和研制开发的技术难点。
This article adopts new-style CMOS current feedback operational as well as resistance and capacitance element to simulate passive LC ladder mould high pass filter circuit, and got the continuous-time active full-poll high-pass filter which is easy to overall integration and has good high-frequency character. 采用新型CMOS电流反馈运算放大器以及电阻和电容元件模拟无源LC梯型高通滤波器电路,得到了一种高频特性优良的容易全集成的连续时间有源全极点高通滤波器。
The system has the operational character and high recognition rate and low-cost, easy installation and maintenance. Especially, it can be done without human intervention and also field data collection and comparison can be automatically made with a higher efficiency and labor-saving. 该系统具有操作性强、识别率高、成本低、安装维护简便等特点,且无须人工干预,自动完成一系列现场数据的采集和比较工作,节省人力,提高工作效率。
It dispatches the total power demand to all units satisfying the various constraints on the basis of operational character. 它是在满足各种约束条件下,根据各个机组的运行特性合理地确定各机组应承带的负荷。